All levels in the Haus come with 12-month access to the following community amenities:
It’s Open Enrollment for our Suite of Business Education, Advisory and Consulting Programs. There is a Haus Level for every level of the Move to Millions Continuum:
This is the ground floor of getting into the Haus of Millions and to access the frameworks, strategies, templates, and mindset shifts you need to get to the next level on the Move to Millions Continuum. You get to pick your room between Business Growth, Leverage & Scale, Speak & Move Millions, or Millions Dollar Events. Access these world-class courses AND get group and community support from our monthly Ask Me Anything Q&A calls, Mindset Makeover sessions, Implementation Parties, and private Facebook group. If you’re at or near six-figures and have your sights set on seven, this is the perfect way to get in the Haus.
Pay in Full: One-time payment of $5,000
During the ASCEND Mentorship you’ll close the most prominent mindset gaps keeping you stagnant at the six-figure mark, and turn them into gateways to get you in the proximity of millions. Most entrepreneurs think they need more strategy, when in truth the only thing preventing you from millions is yourself. The focus of this program is SIGNIFICANCE first and STRATEGY second. You’ll focus on the growth of your business through the ascension of yourself. Darnyelle will leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping you cultivate the mindset of a Million Dollar CEO.
Pay in Full: One payment of $15,000
The Move to Millions PROXIMITY Mastermind is for the advanced business owner who already has a solid multi-six figure business and is ready for up-leveled conversation and strategy to make the move to high multi-6 or 7-figure mark in 12-36 months. Leverage your team, systems, time, business model, marketing, sales, and lifestyle. In this program, you’ll experience powerful masterminding, laser-focused customized strategy, world class coaching, business growth training to quantum leap your business, spiritual guidance, productivity, & life coaching… all backed by accountability.
Pay in Full: One payment of $36,000
If you still have questions about your next best MOVE, email us at [email protected] or sign up for your Wrap Up Session (included as a part of your Move to Millions Live experience, because we want every attendee to walk away with what they need for their next breakthrough.)