The must-attend event for Million-Dollar CEOs and Million-Dollar CEOs in the making, ready to prepare, plan, position and profit from their companies to the tune of millions.

The live event experience of the Year

it's not a conference;
it's a call to your first or next million

If you want to experience more alignment and freedom so that you call in your millions through your service-based business, this is the #1 business training event on the planet. You'll leave with a PROVEN and REPEATABLE PLAN to implement and see massive changes in every area of your life and business.


Event Dates: May 22-24, 2024
VIP Private Bonus Day: May 21st
Hyatt Regency Dulles, Herndon, VA

New for this year: When you secure your ticket for Move to Millions Live, you will have the opportunity to book a Move to Millions Strategy Session with an IOE Business Success Coach to help you determine your path on the Move to Millions Continuum.

This is the ONLY event you need to change your life & business. If you want to scale your company and shift from landing $10,000 clients to $100,000 clients then Move to Millions is the ONLY event you need on your radar next year.

Trust me, I have the receipts to back up this statement!

Have you ever questioned how some entrepreneurs scale quickly from 6 to 7 figures or more and why you’re not experiencing the same?

It’s because they understand the life changing formula (the mindset, alignment AND methodology) to grow, scale and profit massively. It’s about having access to the right framework that works specifically for you and your business.

And it’s not about hustling or grinding, it’s about taking consistent action on the right strategies with the right success mindset to fast track your growth, while you save time and money.  While you might be able to hustle your way to seven figures, you won’t be able to sustain it. 

Spend three days with us to learn these proven strategies, step-by-step so you leave ready to make, move and leave millions with grace and ease NOT hustle and grind.


You might be the first in your family to make millions.
You WON'T be the last.

If you desire to make MILLIONS in your business while you BECOME wealth and abundance in every area of your life, then join us for the #1 business training event on the planet!!

Your Move to Millions® starts here.

Power to Create



There’s nothing wrong with wanting to make millions.

You don’t have to apologize or downplay your desire for them either. What you need is preparation. Let us prepare you so that it’s a dream come true not a nightmare you can’t wake up from. There is a WEALTH TRANSFER underway.  It’s time for you to rise up, answer the call and position your life and business to receive millions.

Millionaires aren't mythical creatures; they look like you and me.

Million dollar intensives

Add $100,000 or more to your business before we see each other in May.

Beginning in December 2023, I’m hosting a series of five (5) attendee-only masterclasses designed to bring six-figures into your business before we meet live in May. Each training is centered around topics and strategies that have immediate impact on your business.

Please note: The only way to attend these 90-minute masterclasses is by registering for Move to Millions Live. When you grab your ticket, you’ll automatically get access to these LIVE trainings. But the later you register, the fewer of these Million Dollar Intensives that you’ll have access to. Register before the December training to get access to ALL FIVE sessions. 

DECEMBER 28, 2023

Mindset of a $10M CEO

One of the biggest secrets we have helped our clients uncover is that the foundation of your business needs to be 10X your goal. That’s right, if you desire to cross the million-dollar mark, you’re going to have to elevate your mindset and your infrastructure to support the growth, scaling and sustaining of your million dollar company. During this intensive, participants will plan for their business from their vision point instead of their vantage point so that they can do the mindset work to walk into their million dollar company in the next year. During our time together, we will delve deep into the thought patterns, habits and beliefs that cultivate an 8 figure mindset that supports the growth, resiliency and visionary energy of a CEO truly shifting the planet. Themes explored include leadership, embodiment, money consciousness, operational excellence, courage and confidence.
JANUARY 25, 2024

Troubleshooting Your Million Dollar Launch

If you are in business, you launch. And if we are being honest, not every launch is a boisterous success. Sometimes you miss the mark and sometimes you downright fail. It takes resiliency to navigate the complexities of a launch that will shift the trajectory of your company. In this powerful intensive, we will first walk through the phases of a launch. Next, I will help you troubleshoot and debrief what may have been the reason your last launch didn’t bring your million-dollar goal into view by helping you to deep dive into the most common pitfalls entrepreneurs encounter on their journey to a groundbreaking launch. From identifying the anticipated and unforeseen challenges of a launch, to bulletproofing each phase of your launch, to avoiding technology setbacks and leveraging the power of your data, this intensive will equip you with the insights and tools to make your million dollar launch not just a dream, but a triumphant reality.
FEBRUARY 22, 2024

Determining Your Million Dollar Sales Team by Your Sales Tool​

We’ve all heard the saying, “nothing happens until someone sells something”, right? Well, no one said that the “someone” has to be you. In fact, if you have millions on your mind, you need to have a sales team backing you so that you can spend your time strategically presiding over your company. Building a powerful sales team goes way beyond attracting top talent; it’s about creating synergy between strategy, personnel and sales tools. In this intensive, we will explore your sales team needs based on the sales tool you have chosen to make your millions. We will get into job descriptions, compensation plans and how to get them selling as if they were you, so YOU don’t have to. Through clarifying your strategic alignment, sales tool mastery, training demands and how to determine your metrics, KPIs, and process of monitoring data and results, you’ll learn how to build a sales team that keeps a steady flow of revenue flowing into your million dollar company.
MARCH 28, 2024

Million Dollar Systems Makeover (How to Use AI to Tighten Your Systems)

Every thriving million-dollar business operates on robust, efficient systems. However, as businesses scale, systems need to evolve. To get to and beyond the million-dollar mark, you will need to identify, upgrade and optimize your core systems and processes so that they remain competitive, efficient and primed for growth. As a way to refine the backbone of your business, we will even get into how to leverage AI so that you can maximize time spent creating the systems that will sustain your company’s growth over time.
APRIL 25, 2024

How to Attract & Retain Your Million Dollar Dream Team ​

Part of what makes the Millions Messy Middle so messy is the fact that it can be hard to find good help. As you know, we are currently experiencing the Great Resignation, which makes it even harder to find talent that understands and aligns with your goals and vision for your company. Often because of this, aspiring million dollar CEOs never get their business to the point where scaling is a true option because they are spending 80% of their time IN the business instead of ON the business. In this powerful intensive, we will pull back the curtain on our recommendations for solving this problem so that you find team members who believe in your vision and show up fully to help you expand your brand without compromising your values. Your team is the engine behind the success of your company. When you take the time to equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies to assemble and nurture a team that is not just competent but passionately aligned with your business’ goals, you will be one step closer to your million dollar company.

Important Note:

You’ll only have access to the Million Dollar Intensives that happen AFTER you register. So secure your seat for Move to Millions Live 2024 ASAP so that you don’t miss out!

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer
If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger. It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings. In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease.

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer
If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger. It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings. In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease.

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer
If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger. It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings. In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease.

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer

If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger.  It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings.  In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease. 

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer

If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger.  It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings.  In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease. 

December 22, 2022

Modeled for Millions: How to Turn Your Signature Offer into a $100K Offer

If you want to make, move, and leave millions, it’s time to think bigger.  It’s easier than you think to go from $10K offers to $100K offers. One thing I’ve learned by continually elevating our pricing and experience is that the highest end of your market is ready, willing, and able to invest in your expertise if it is packaged and positioned well, and you add a luxury experience that transforms their whole life to your offerings.  In this powerful BRAND-NEW Masterclass, I am going to show you how to 10X your signature offer and make the move to millions with grace and ease. 

Join us to access the Million Dollar Intensives.

You’ve known for years that you should be running a sustainable million-dollar company.

And I bet if I took a look at your business you already are EXCEPT:

what we teach works to create million dollar companies in 1-3 years.

Over three days we will teach you EXACTLY how we and our clients have done it, step by step.  You won’t be scrolling on IG.  You’ll be present.  This is not a spectator event – you’ll be a full participant – masterminding, brainstorming, preparing, planning, surrendering. You will be TRANSFORMED at this event through the powerful teaching and hands on sessions to move your business in position to welcome the millions that are forthcoming.  Trust me, the only thing about you that will be the same after this event is your name – everything else will be DIFFERENT. 


It’s why you’ve been undercharging for your brilliance…
It’s why you downplay the results you help your clients get…
It’s why you still compare yourself to your “competitors”….
It’s why you still dim your light instead of shining brightly…
It’s why you keep telling yourself you don’t NEED a million-dollar company…
It’s why you apologize and make excuses…
It’s why you’re hiding in plain sight…

AND it’s why you’ve been the bottleneck in your business, letting fear keep you from THE success mindset, strategy, sales infrastructure, systems, and support  indicative of a million dollar CEO.

your millions are coming for you.

Abundance is your birthright. And it’s time to stop down-playing, dismissing or second guessing the transformation you provide your clients, and start believing you are worthy of making and moving MILLIONS.



To make these moves you need a safe place to unearth your fears, strengthen your surrender, streamline your focus and step boldly into your next level. You need access to a community where everyone is on the million dollar trajectory and the support and edification you need is shared freely without side eyes and shade…

Join us to BOLDY DECLARE your move to millions milestone, BREAKTHROUGH what’s REALLY keeping you from achieving it and BANK the life and business you’ve been praying for.

What is Move to Millions® Live?

This next level experience brings together MILLIONS MINDED entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready for a Breakthrough in Business  to a company that serves them financially and spiritually. No matter where you are on the Move to Millions® Continuum – this event is for you!

Move to Millions® is a live 3-day experience for high-achieving million dollar CEOs and million dollar CEOs in the making + visionaries who are ready to master the principles, assets, and legacy to get on the trajectory to a million dollar company. Since we started keeping track, we have created 40 million dollar CEOs who are SUSTAINING their million dollar companies while becoming millionaires in the process.  

There will be no “fluff” or theory. Darnyelle only teaches what she has proven to grow her own multi-million dollar companies (and those of her clients.)

During this highly experiential money and mindset-shifting live event, you’ll:

By the time we’re done, you’ll be ready to shake the planet and finally step into the role you were born for: MILLION DOLLAR CEO!

You should know that the Move to Millions® is a journey – a responsible, sustainable journey.  This isn’t about becoming a millionaire overnight, this is about the right success mindset, strategy, sales infrastructure, systems and support to do it in a way that serves and supports you, the WHOLE CEO!

Having a million-dollar company requires true preparation, so that you avoid the stress and overwhelm that keep most from it.

Event Details At A Glance


May 22-24, 2024

VIP Day & Welcome Reception
Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Hyatt Regency Dulles
Herndon, VA
(Washington D.C. Area)


General Ticket: $1,998
VIP Ticket: $2,998
Payment Plans Available

Here’s how we’ll accelerate you and your business on the
Move to Millions® Continuum:

Day 1: The Principles

(The Millionaire Mindset)

The REAL secret of success is realizing that no amount of strategy will work without the mindset and alignment that supports it. On Day 1, we’ll focus on the mental and spiritual principles essential to becoming a million dollar CEO, including money mindset, business growth acceleration, alignment of thought, surrender and forgiveness. Experiential learning activities will help you work through each principle and put them into practice right away. Darnyelle will walk you through powerful exercises to shift the way you see yourself and money so that you can create space for the life you have been praying for.  You’ll: 

Day 2: The Assets

(Marketing & Sales Mastery)

Once you’ve dialed in a few critical business systems, your growth will happen more quickly than you ever thought possible, especially because you’ll have the right mindset to support your journey. On Day 2, we’ll dig into the 7 assets you must have in place in order to leverage and scale your business to make the Move to Millions®. These assets fall into the following business optimization categories: Operations, Financial, Legal, Marketing, Sales, Client and Talent. You’ll receive my Million Dollar Asset Blueprint so you can start formulating your assets. Day 2 is the day we shift your strategy so that you actively prepare for the millions on their way. You’ll take our million-dollar business assessment to see EXACTLY what assets you’ll need to tighten to take your place as a Million-Dollar CEO. Day 2 is worth the price of admission all by itself. You’ll:   

Day 3: The Legacy

(millionaire habits, visilibty, impact & Scale)

This powerful day brings together everything you learned on Days 1 and 2 so you can get clear on your next steps to generating and impacting millions. You’ll hear powerful panels on topics around relationships, leadership, HR, PR and visibility and tax strategy so that you can keep the money you’re making. We’ll talk about shifting from being a million dollar CEO to being a millionaire, and how you can best position yourself for greatness at this level. You will finally position yourself to build a business that serves you, funds the life you crave and profitably impacts the world in all ways, always. You’ll:

This ENTIRE EXPERIENCE is designed to prepare you to make, move and leave millions.

Every session about is proven to position you for millions. Our frameworks and methodologies are top-notch.  Our more than $365 MILLION in client revenues is proof! You’ll be ready to move in the direction of your deepest desires to normalize wealth and legacy for your family and you’ll be able to do it without stress and overwhelm because you’ll know HOW to set your business up to make it happen for you in the next 3 years or less.

This Event Changed My Life!

“Having now attended 2 of Darnyelle’s events, I have to tell you: this event changed my life. I am so clear, focused and it’s because of the experience that Darnyelle crafts for her attendees. I felt like I matter, every intricate detail, enhanced my confidence in myself as a business woman. I will be an attendee of this event every time Darnyelle offers it because the content, experience, people and her heart-centered focus keeps me coming back!”

Nancy Greene, Attorney

You were born to move millions.

But to realize them, you have to shift because what got you to 6 figures will not get you to 7.


Move to Millions® Live


Move to Millions® Live

Let us equip you to make shifts in your life & business at Move to Millions® Live.

My life changed since Darnyelle’s event!

“I first met Darnyelle at her annual live event, and since then I’ve seen my life and business transform. Within a few months of her program, I acquired 8 new authors for my publishing business and enrolled 14 new clients in my soul healing counseling program. I’ve also secured 7 speaking engagements. By the time I arrived at her event the second year, I had a multiple six-figure business and it wouldn’t have been possible had I not attended my first event a year before!”

JoLanda Rogers, TALK Consulting

Your event host creates million dollar CEOs

Hello, I'm Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon.

As an award-winning CEO, speaker, consultant, author and spiritual business growth strategist, I’m known for transforming six figure entrepreneurs into million dollar CEOs. Over the last 11 years, I have coached THOUSANDS of service-based entrepreneurs to leverage and scale their businesses on the Move to Millions® Continuum. To date, I have created 40 million dollar CEOs.

When I first crossed the million dollar mark in 2014, I paid nearly $400,000 in taxes because I was ill-advised and didn’t know what I now teach my clients so that when they hit the million dollar mark, it’s a source of pride and legacy not doubt, fear and overwhelm.

I’ve spent the last 12 months working closely with clients, who like you, desire to build legacies and businesses that serve them and their children’s children. What we’ve encountered and what they’ve accomplished will blown your mind…. And when you join me, I am going to share the good, the bad, the ugly and the Incredible with you so that you know exactly what it will take to move to millions in your own business.

My work has been featured in Inc., Essence, Success, Black Enterprise, Forbes and O Magazines, and I’ve authored eight books on business strategies, marketing and leadership. I teach you how to connect your mindset, messaging and marketing to sales, systems and support so that you scale your business profitably to seven figures. But unlike other coaches or consultants, I don’t do this with hustle and grind. Instead, I’m all about grace and ease while combining business growth strategies and systems with spiritual principles. And, I believe that you don’t have to choose—you can love God and make boatloads of money.

I’m not new to this—I am true to this. I’ve run my own company, Incredible One Enterprises, at the million dollar mark since 2014, and now I’m transforming six-figure entrepreneurs into million dollar CEOs across the country.

My clients have earned in excess of $365 million dollars during the 12 years I’ve been coaching and consulting.

Since 2022, I’ve focused on helping 300 six-figure entrepreneurs get on the Move to Millions® Continuum, and I believe you’re next.

speaker lineup coming soon...

Move to Millions Live 2023 Speakers

Darnyelle Jervey Harmon
Event Host

Bridgett Battles

Dr. Cozette M. White

Crystal Perkins
Speaker & Panelist

Darin adams

Dr. Erica Jordan Thomas
Speaker & Panelist

Fred Wingate

Herman Dolce
VIP Day Speaker

T Jayden Doyé

LaShaon Brooks

Lindsey Walker

Michel Valbrun

Michele Salters Williams

Mysherri Rhodes

Paul Jervey

Rachel Gainsbrugh

Raoul Davis

Shameca Tankerson
VIP Day Speaker & Panelist

Dr. Shamieka Dean

Sherrell T. Martin

Towanna Burrous

Veronica Southerland


“I just had another effortless $25,000 close on the program Darnyelle helped me price BEFORE I started her program! That makes $75k just from this offer; $125k in total in less than 30 days!”

TerDawn DeBoe, Brand Strategist

Get MORE at Move to Millions® Live

If you’re tired of attending events that don’t DELIVER business and life transformation, you need to join me at Move to Millions® Live.

I’ve been hosting live events since 2009, and let me tell you: my events are NOT business as usual. You will not sit in your seat the whole time or be inundated with speakers who give you ideas without telling you how to put everything together.

Instead, at my event, you’ll take away strategies that you can implement immediately to leverage + scale your life and business. In fact, with all of the valuable, actionable content we’ll provide you, it’s safe to say this isn’t an event… it’s an EXPERIENCE.

New for this year: When you secure your ticket for Move to Millions Live, you will have the opportunity to book a strategy session with an Incredible One Enterprises Business Coach to help you determine your path on the Move to Millions Continuum.

Here are the ticket details:


$ 1,998
  • 3 Full Days of Content with Move to Millions Workbook & Action Plan
  • Pre-Event Work with Darnyelle
  • Pre-Event Intention Setting Call/Mastermind
  • Continental Breakfast & Snacks Each Day
  • Special Evening Sessions
  • Welcome Reception on the Evening of Day 0
  • Special Pricing to Bring a Friend!
  • New for 2024: Move to Millions Strategy Session with a MTM Business Success Coach

Admission + VIP Bonuses

$ 2,998
  • All general ticket offerings, PLUS...
  • VIP-Only Half Day Training on Day 0 ($3,000 value)
  • Catered VIP Lunch on Day 1 & 2
  • VIP Registration
  • VIP Only Seating
  • Bonus VIP-Only Gift
  • Bonus VIP Lunch Speakers
Best Value!

Get MORE at Move to Millions® Live

If you’re tired of attending events that don’t DELIVER business and life transformation, you need to join me at Move to Millions® Live. I’ve been hosting live events since 2009, and let me tell you: my events are NOT business as usual. You will not sit in your seat the whole time or be inundated with speakers who give you ideas without telling you how to put everything together. Instead, at my event, you’ll take away strategies that you can implement immediately to leverage + scale your life and business. In fact, with all of the valuable, actionable content we’ll provide you, it’s safe to say this isn’t an event… it’s an EXPERIENCE.

get your afterglow ticket


$ 1,298
  • 3 Full Days of Content with Move to Millions Workbook & Action Plan
  • Pre-Event Work with Darnyelle
  • Pre-Event Intention Setting Call/Mastermind
  • Continental Breakfast & Snacks Each Day
  • Special Evening Sessions
  • Welcome Reception on the Evening of Day 0
  • Special Pricing to Bring a Friend!

One strategy has made me MILLIONS!

“I hired Darnyelle for a VIP Day, and before we even spent the day together, I already made my investment back! One strategy during my pre-call, added $15,000 to my income! When we met, Darnyelle helped me to simplify my business model and increase my profits intensely. If you want to move to millions and boost your bottom line, hiring Darnyelle is your only option. By the way, that strategy is still riding strong; I’ve added more than $1,000,000 because of it.”

Andy Henriquez, Storytelling Expert & Coach

Is Move to Millions® Live right for you?

Move to Millions® Live isn’t for people who want to keep their life and business where they are right now. It isn’t for people who prefer to build their business on their own. It isn’t for people who have no interest in using their God-given gifts to make boatloads of money.

Move to Millions® Live is for you if:

If any of the above speaks to your soul, this highly spiritual, highly experiential & mindset-shifting event is for you.

Remember, you were born to move millions.

Why not you? Why not now?

Join me this May so my team and I can help you plan to become a million dollar CEO.

5 Clues That Move to Millions® Live is Your Next Best move

Clue One

You’re tired of sitting on the vision God gave you.

Clue Two

You KNOW that you have a million dollar company in you, and now you’re ready to get the support necessary to bring it to life.​​

Clue Three

You’ve been chasing too many business rabbits and need a safe space to find the clarity of focus that will manifest your million dollar company with grace and ease.​

Clue Four

You’re ready to put your focus on streamlining your business.​

Clue Five

You’re ready to kick fear to the curb and step boldly into your birthright.​

30 Days in and I had a $109,000 week!

“Listen to me: Darnyelle is the TRUTH. The GOAT. I just enrolled and I already had a six-figure WEEK. 7 days in. Darnyelle is brilliant. When I worked with her in 2019, I had my highest month ever (then) immediately following our session. This is my MOVE to Millions year. It can be yours too.”

Julia Winston, Leadership Coach

Event Details At A Glance


May 22-24, 2024

VIP Day & Welcome Reception
Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Hyatt Regency Dulles
Herndon, VA
(Washington D.C. Area)


General Ticket: $1,998
VIP Ticket: $2,998
Payment Plans Available

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I’ve answered your questions so you can feel Incredible about joining this life-changing event that will help you grow your business, build your team, find more clients and make boatloads of money.

Darnyelle knows that before you can create millions, you’ve got to conquer what’s keeping you from achieving it. So, for three full days, she’ll be helping you conquer your self-limiting beliefs, and ultimately, you’ll claim the life and business you’ve been praying for.

You’ll find a snapshot of topics to be explored on the page above.

  • Day 1 – 9 am to 9 pm
  • Day 2 – 9 am to 9 pm
  • Day 3 – 9 am to 5 pm

These times are subject to change as we make time for the Holy Spirit to be with us each day. Therefore, we don’t recommend making any plans for the evenings so that you can be fully present and catch every business growth strategy and insight that is waiting for you.

Continental breakfast and afternoon snacks are provided for all in-person attendees. VIP ticket holders will receive catered lunch on Days 1 & 2. We’ll provide everyone with a list of local dining options near the event so you can make the most of your lunch and dinner breaks.

We do not offer a virtual experience because nothing can compare being in the room. We recommend that you attend in person to get the full experience, we understand that things like graduations and other life and business events may prevent you from joining us face to face this year. 

While tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE, they are transferable. You can read the full policy at the bottom of this page.

In general, most professional development courses can be written off in part or completely as a business expense. Even so, I strongly recommend that you share your receipt with your tax advisor.

Because this event is an intimate learning experience with no breakout sessions, you can count on Darnyelle, in her signature style, coming down off the stage to add value and work with participants to usher in breakthroughs.

If you want more personal time with Darnyelle, you should consider our VIP option. VIP seats are extremely limited to enhance the experience with attendees.

A few other carefully selected speakers will speak at the event. You’ll find the speakers’ list on this page. But keep in mind that this will not be a multi-speaker pitchfest style event.

Yes! Following every 90-minute general session there will be a 30 minute networking break to meet new friends and create partnerships.

The dress code is business casual. We recommend clothes that make you feel like a million bucks and shoes that will make the day pleasant. There is no reward for best dressed given out, so comfort is key! Please keep in mind that you’ll be moving and using your body during the event, so you may want to bring heels and flats.

Darnyelle has a firm commitment to your business and to delivering content that you can start implementing right away. And as such, she HATES “pep-rally” multi-speaker pitch-fest events and would never host that type of event. We believe we have to earn the right to help you continue to accelerate your life and business before presenting you with more options. 

Darnyelle will only share a few resources with you to enhance your business building success. Please note: there will be a small number of carefully selected exhibitors onsite offering services that are needed by our target audience, but no purchase is necessary.

Yes! We love it when attendees bring their spouse, friends, colleagues, etc. to experience Move to Millions Live with them for added support and edification. In fact, our tickets include a specially priced “Bring a Friend” ticket which makes it easy for your friend to join us. This event is for ANY business owner who desires to gain access to strategies to enhance their life and business. You can secure your “Bring a Friend” ticket after you register for the event.

No personal recording is permitted. The event will be recorded by the designated audio/visual team only.

A Note about Covid-19

The health and safety of our attendees is our NUMBER ONE priority.

We want you to have an Incredible experience and that means keeping you safe and happy!

We are closely monitoring all government guidelines, regulations and advice and our policies and processes around this may change.

Attendees will need to produce a negative PCR test result within 24 hours of arriving at the conference. Please be prepared to submit your negative test results upon arriving.

Space will be provided for attendees who prefer social distancing.

Masks may be required to keep all attendees safe. Please note that this policy may change based on new guidelines, mandates and laws.

Our Guarantee

We promise that Move to Millions® Live will be like NO other event you’ve ever attended. I promise that I will show up fully. I will give 110%. I will hold the space for your biggest breakthroughs yet. You may attend the entire program on Day 1, and if for any reason you are not 100% happy with the content and believe that it was not worth the investment, you may turn in your materials, exit the event and we will refund your ENTIRE registration fee within 30 days. So, no matter which way you slice it: There is ZERO RISK FOR YOU.

Event Cancellation Policy: All sales are final and no refunds will be granted.  No refunds are offered for event tickets. Should unforeseen circumstances arise that make it impossible for you to join us in person at the event, you may receive a credit for your ticket against any of our future live events, or any one of our incredible digital products if you contact us by March 31, 2024, less a modest bookkeeping/administration fee of $150. After April 1, 2024, you may receive a credit less a $800 event fee as expenses will have been made for your participation in the event. PLEASE NOTE: If you choose to no show the live event and not communicate prior to the start of the event that you will not be attending you forfeit any right to use any portion of your purchase toward future products or services. Alternatively, your primary ticket is transferable, so you may allow a friend or colleague to attend in your place. If you are eligible for a credit, this credit must be used within 12 months. After 12 months, your credit will be forfeited in its entirety.

PAYMENT PLANS: Full payment for your event ticket is due at the time of registration however, a payment option may be offered to you as a courtesy. Scheduled payments are attempted on the due date per the agreement. Should payment processing be unsuccessful on the first attempt, IOE will attempt to process the scheduled payment every day until the payment is successful. Any payment declines not resolved in a 4-day time frame will incur a $50 collection fee. You are responsible for making all payments in your agreement of purchase whether you attend the event or not.

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire to implement and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

Copyright © Incredible One Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
